Our patients’ rights
- Access our services in conditions of quality, timeliness, efficiency, security, respect for your privacy, and with suitable and competent staff.
- Right to be informed: patients have the right to receive complete and understandable information about their diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, risks and management alternatives, in accordance with their cultural conditions, in an inclusive way and with a differential approach. You have the right to clarify your doubts before care is provided.
- That an integral, truthful and legible medical record be prepared and preserved, that its confidentiality and custody be maintained. The patient may request a copy of this information upon compliance with the requirements. This information may only be shared with those who have authorization according to current Colombian regulations.
- The right to submit petitions, complaints, claims and/or denunciations through the communication channels that have been enabled and to receive a response according to the institutional terms of opportunity.
- Receive a second medical opinion if required, taking into account the resources of the clinic.
- To have the company of family members during care (if desired), as long as it does not interfere with the patient’s care process or recovery.
- Participation and autonomy: accepting or rejecting activities, interventions, supplies, medications, devices, services, procedures, or treatments for their care. No person may be compelled to receive them against his or her will, after being informed of the consequences of such a decision. To do this, they must sign the corresponding informed consent or record their rejection.
- To be respected in their will to oppose the legal presumption of donation of their organs and tissues so that they can be transplanted to other people, as long as they state it in writing.
- Right to express their advance directive: this is a document in which every conscious person, in full use of their legal and mental faculties and in anticipation of not being able to communicate their decisions in the future, freely anticipates their preferences in health care that are relevant to their personal values and beliefs (including the refusal to artificially prolong life and the right to euthanasia in Colombia).
- Patients who require care in English have the right to request care in this language through interpreters and/or trained medical personnel, informing the accompanying business advisor in advance.
Duties of our patients
- Comply with the rules of the institution and the treating team, including hygiene rules, acceptable behaviors, timely compliance with appointments and scheduled procedures. Cancel at least 24 hours in advance in case of not attending.
- Make good use of the Institution’s resources and take care of the facilities where the services are provided. To take care of and respect personal and others’ property, leaving in their place the elements of common use.
- Truthful Information: Patients must provide complete and accurate information about their health, medical history, and any changes in their condition so that healthcare professionals can properly diagnose and treat. If you have an advance directive document, you must inform it before a procedure.
- Adherence to Treatments: Patients must follow agreed-upon recommendations and treatment plans and attend scheduled appointments. If they are unable to stick to a plan, they should inform their doctor to adjust treatment as needed. This allows the proposed health benefits and results to be obtained.
- Financial responsibility: Patients are responsible for paying their health care costs and learning about the financial aspects of their treatment. This includes understanding your insurance policies and making arrangements for payment for non-covered services.
- Report news (changes in identification data, health affiliation, place of residence, contact telephone numbers). Likewise, notify in a timely, truthful and complete manner the changes related to their health status and present the clinical support required by the treating physician.
- Treat with respect and dignity the people who care for them, the clinic staff, other patients and companions, as well as their privacy and cultural beliefs. Act in solidarity in situations that endanger people’s lives or health.
- Organ and tissue donation: all Colombians are donors by legal presumption to donation; If you wish to oppose being a donor, you must state this in writing (at a notary or by private document signed during your lifetime).
- Commit to reading, clarifying doubts and signing the informed consent when required. Patients should make sure they understand the information provided by healthcare professionals. If something is unclear, they should ask questions until they fully understand.
- Participation in decisions: Patients should actively participate in decisions about their care and express their preferences and concerns. This includes working with healthcare professionals to plan your treatment and communicate any changes in your health condition.
This statement is public knowledge and easy to consult for stakeholders. It is communicated to all the staff of the organization from the moment of their entry. Failure to comply can be reported to our user service office, also through our complaint and claim mechanisms (website and suggestion box) and through the email of our asociacion.usuarios@ceomedellin.com Users Association.