Website use policy

The website is a valuable tool for the Clinic to connect with potential patients, promote its services, and educate the public about eye health. It is important that this platform is used responsibly and ethically, complying with applicable rules and regulations.
The Ophthalmological Specialities Clinic asks the USER of the website to read these conditions of use in detail and in detail prior to exploring, browsing or using it. If the USER does not agree with these Terms of Use or with any provision of the Privacy Policy, he/she is suggested to refrain from entering, accessing or browsing the page.

This website and its contents are the property of the Eye Specialty Clinic. It is forbidden to reproduce in whole or in part, to translate, include, transmit, store or access it by analogue, digital or any other system or technology created, without prior written authorisation from the clinic.
The visitor or user of the website will be responsible for any improper, illicit or abnormal use made of the contents, information or services of the website of the Clínica de Especialidades Oftalmológicas. The visitor or user of the site, directly or through an intermediary, will not attack in any way the clinic’s website, its technological platform, its information systems or interfere with its normal operation.
The Clínica de Especialidades Oftalmológicas is not responsible for any consequence derived from the improper entry of third parties to the database and/or for any technical failure in the operation and/or conservation of data in the system in any of the menus of its website.
Access to the Website or the installation of applications to try to evade browsing security controls and policies is totally prohibited and its detection will be treated as a security incident.

    The website of the Clínica de Especialidades Oftalmológicas will be used to:
    • Provide complete and detailed information about the clinic, its services and its team of professionals.
    • Allow patients to request appointments.
    • Educate about eye health and the most common eye diseases.
    • Promote the services of the clinic and its allies.
    The content published on the eye clinic’s website must be:
    • Accurate and truthful: The information provided must be based on scientific evidence and up-to-date.
    • Clear and concise: The language used should be easy to understand for the general public.
    • Objective and unbiased: Information should not be biased to promote any specific product, service, or treatment.
    • Respectful: Content must not be discriminatory, offensive, or defamatory.
    • In line with the clinic’s image: Content should reflect the clinic’s values and ethics.
    At the Clínica de Especialidades Oftalmológicas, we are committed to ensuring that our website is accessible to everyone, regardless of each user’s abilities or limitations. For this reason, we comply with all current rules and regulations regarding web accessibility, ensuring that each person can navigate our site easily and effectively. Our goal is to offer an inclusive experience for all our patients and visitors, allowing them to access the information and services they need in a simple way and without barriers. Accessibility is a fundamental part of our commitment to quality care and respect for all our users.
    The Eye Specialty Clinic, together with our marketing agency, has a deep respect for the privacy of our patients and all visitors to our website. We understand how important it is for you to protect your personal information, and that is why we comply with all the rules and regulations in force in Colombia, specifically with Law 1581 of 2012, which regulates the protection of personal data. To ensure that your data is always protected, we have developed clear and transparent policies on the processing of the information you entrust to us. If you would like to learn more about how we handle and protect your personal data, we invite you to visit our privacy policy by clicking on the following link: Privacy Policy. We are committed to providing you with safe, respectful, and trust-based care.
    At the Eye Clinic and Marketing Agency, we strive to protect the security of the personal information of our patients and all visitors to our website. We understand that your privacy is paramount, which is why we have implemented rigorous security measures from the first moment a prospective patient contacts us. When we collect information through META or WhatsApp forms, we ensure that this data is stored confidentially in our CRM Kommo database. This information is handled with the utmost care, strictly following our personal data processing policy, which is available for consultation on our website Privacy Policy.

For those patients who contact us from abroad, we have designed a specific form that is also managed securely through our CRM Kommo. Only authorized persons, and who comply with our confidentiality policies and strong password guides, can access this database. These measures are designed to prevent unauthorized access, misuse, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of your personal data. If you would like to learn more about Kommo protects your privacy, we invite you to visit their Privacy Policy. At the Eye Clinic, your safety and trust are our priority.

    At the Clínica de Especialidades Oftalmológicas we deeply value the creativity and effort of all those who contribute valuable and original content. That is why we are firmly committed to respecting the intellectual property rights of others.
    We know how important it is to protect the work of authors, artists, and content creators. That’s why we make sure that everything we share on our platforms and advertising materials is permissioned and compliant with copyright regulations. We never publish protected content without proper authorization.
    We not only take care of your vision, but also the vision and rights of those who contribute their creativity and knowledge to the world. Your trust in us is vital, and we are committed to maintaining it through ethical and responsible practices.
    The Clínica de Especialidades Oftalmológicas and the marketing agency make sure to comply with all the rules and regulations in force for the responsible use of our social networks and website. Our commitment to the safety and well-being of our patients extends to all the communication channels we use. For this reason, we strictly adhere to accessibility, privacy, security and intellectual property regulations, ensuring that every interaction, whether through our digital platforms or social networks, is carried out in a safe and respectful manner. We strive to provide you with a reliable and transparent experience, protecting both your personal information and your rights as a user. Your trust is our priority, and we continue to work to maintain it in everything we do.
    No photographs, videos or other multimedia content that includes other patients, clinic staff or facilities are published without the express consent of the people who are heard or viewed there.
    Patients should not post sensitive personal or medical information. This includes reserved health data, details of medical appointments, unauthorized personal data, etc. The clinic reserves the right to remove any posting that violates this guideline to protect patient privacy.
    As an open-door institution for international patients, we are committed to respect and tolerance for different cultures. Clinic employees and collaborators in general must show respect for the diversity of opinions and cultures. They should not engage in discussions that could be considered discriminatory, offensive or ethically controversial.