Payment and refund policy

The international patient will be efficiently directed to the institution’s payment button, ensuring easy entry and providing a high-quality and satisfying service.
The international patient care department previously delivers a quote with the services required by the patient and the patient will make the payment through the following options, which can be found on the website of the Clinic and/or Facilities of the Institution:

  • WOMPI Gateway – International
  • PSE Payment Button
  • Bancolombia Button
  • QR code
  • Bank transfer to current account of the banks registered by the clinic, which are previously informed to the payer.
  • Cash (Colombian pesos and/or US dollars).
  • Debit card.
  • Credit card (for this option, the owner of the card must be present and have informed their bank regarding the transaction, the amount reported in the quote).

We accept payments with national and international credit and debit cards of the Visa, MasterCard and American Express franchises.
To make the payment in the Wompi, PSE and Bancolombia gateway, it is not required to be registered, because, at the time of the transaction, the customer must fill in some basic data to complete the payment process.
The Wompi payment gateway is certified with the highest level of security standards. In addition, it has a fraud prevention system with transactional monitoring and business investigations to mitigate the risk in each transaction.
You can consult Wompi’s security policy at the following link: Wompi Security Circular (002).pdf
The patient after generating the payment must send payment support to the email:
Then the billing area will send the patient’s respective invoice to the patient’s email.

The country under which your account is domiciled may have additional or special conditions for payment processing. These additional policies may contain special terms or exclusions relating to the particular transaction for you or your country, which may even change your relationship with us as well as the intermediaries involved in processing your transactions and handling your funds. By using the Payment Services you agree to these conditions defined in the Additional Terms applicable to your country, so we recommend that you read these documents carefully.

If payment is made in cash or dollars
The patient in the company of a person from the international patient care department, enters the cashier area to make the payment, either in Colombian pesos or in dollars, there the cashier will deliver an electronic invoice of the money received and/or sends the invoice to the patient’s email.

Payment through business accounts
You may use the Payment Services on behalf of a person or on behalf of a business (a business being any company, partnership, entity, foundation, corporation or any other type of legal entity). Both options are considered a Business type account. By using the Payment Services on behalf of a business, you represent that you are expressly authorized to bind the business or entity to these terms and therefore that the business or entity is adhering to these terms.

How do I handle the reversal of a credit card transaction?
For the reversal of the payment, if it was made within the same day and the transactional network allows it, you can «Void transaction». It is important that it is done immediately after the payment has been made so that the cancellation is online.
The cancellation process depends on the Network, since transactions can be approved in a few seconds and after being approved it does not allow the cancellation.
If the transaction has been approved and does not allow it to be cancelled, it is necessary to send us an email to in order to request the reversal process before the network. The email must carry the following information:

  • Authorization code.
  • Date of transaction.
  • Last digits of the card.
  • Transaction value.

For reversals, the stipulated response time is a maximum of ten (10) business days.

How is the refund of money for a procedure not carried out with debit card or cash payment managed?
The person must request in writing to the email of the international patient care department the refund of the money and the number of the account to which the money must be refunded. The money is refunded the next business day.

When a consumer is unaware of a transaction or has some problem with it, either because they are a victim of fraud, dissatisfaction with the product received, among others. you can file a claim with your Issuing Bank, that is, the Bank where you acquired your card. The Issuing Bank must then initiate a process known as a Chargeback or Dispute before the Bank where the merchant has the acquirer, through the networks or franchises.
For this, the cardholder has a maximum time of 120 days to notify their Issuing Bank of the non-conformity or ignorance of a purchase. It is important that you also know that chargebacks are a right of the cardholders, so this procedure is regulated by the Visa, MasterCard and American Express Franchises worldwide, which implies that all issuing and acquiring entities must comply with the established processes.

In no event shall we be liable for any indirect, punitive, incidental, punitive, punitive, special, consequential damages, lost profits, lost business opportunities, or loss of reputation resulting from the use of, inability to use, or unavailability of the Services. We will also not be liable for any damages resulting from or related to hacking, tampering or any unauthorized access or use of the Wompi Services, the data, servers, infrastructure of Wompi the Payer, for errors in the use or implementation of anti-fraud measures, security controls or any other security measures, or by the illegal actions of third parties.
The user knows and accepts that Wompi’s contractual liability will be limited to material, direct, quantifiable, verifiable and foreseeable damages, attributable to the actions or omissions of Wompi even for slight fault, who will be understood to have the degree of diligence required of a merchant in the ordinary course of his business.
Under no circumstances shall our liability, and in the aggregate, exceed the value of the payment or transfer you make through the Wompi Services that is the subject of dispute.

The user knows and accepts that the disputes generated by the payments or transfers made through the Wompi Services are procedures beyond our control, as they are carried out between the issuing entity of the means of payment or the financial institution of the Payer and the Wompi Merchant. The Wompi Merchant is fully responsible for attending to the requests for disputes and sending all the required documentation, however, we may mediate in the resolution of the dispute without being considered, under any circumstances, a party.
In accordance with the applicable regulations, Payers may withdraw from certain purchases made through the WOMPI platform, for which they must notify Wompi and the issuing entity of the payment instrument of the withdrawal request, within five days following the provision of the service, the delivery of the purchased good, or the expiration of the term to receive it.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction: This policy will be governed by the regulations in force in the Republic of Colombia. Any disputes that arise shall be submitted to the decision of the competent jurisdictional authorities in the city of Medellín.